This is great running little car it is a 4 cylinder and great on gas, it has about 170,000 miles but still running strong. Its silver with some rust around the wheel wells also when I bought this the tire rack in the back was removed I never replaced this was mostly used as a work vehicle. I had the 4X4 worked on several times but for some reason it never worked right I dont use at all the hubs wont unengage when put in 4 wheel drive. Other than that runs great.
Originally posted 2015-07-19 03:32:27.
City: Hazard
View CommentState: KY
Zip: 41702
Credit Rating: Poor
Current Insurance: Amica
Years Continuously Insured:3
PD/BI Coverage: 50/100
Driver Gender: Female
Years Licensed: 28
Date of Birth: 6/13/1966
Education: High School Diploma
Occupation: Disabled
Annual Miles: 50000
Comprehensive/Collision Deductible: 500/500