State Farm Insurance Rate Quote For 2008 FORD RANGER PICKUP $30.30 Per Month

State Farm Insurance Rate Quote For 2008 FORD RANGER PICKUP $30.3 Per Month 9414107

Originally posted 2015-09-17 10:21:24.

Posted in $25 to $50 Per Month, $250,000/$500,000, 1968, 2008, Car, Coverage, Credit Rating, Date of Birth, Driver, Education, Ford, Gender, Good, Insurer, Make, Male, Occupation, Price, Self Employed, Some College, State, State Farm, Texas, Year
One comment on “State Farm Insurance Rate Quote For 2008 FORD RANGER PICKUP $30.30 Per Month
  1. City: DEL VALLE
    State: TX
    Zip: 78617
    Credit Rating: Good
    Current Insurance: State Farm Insurance
    Years Continuously Insured: 1
    PD/BI Coverage: 250/500
    Driver Gender: Male
    Years Licensed: 25
    Date of Birth: 8/27/1968
    Education: Some College
    Occupation: Other
    Vehicle: 2008 FORD RANGER PICKUP
    Annual Miles: 11250
    Comprehensive/Collision Deductible: 500/500

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